Skier - Entrepreneur - Adventurer
2016 Dragster Design
Materials: Balsa Wood (Car Body), ABS Plastic (Wheels), Aluminum (Axles), Nylon Plastic (Wheel Spacers)
Manufacturing: Roland MDX 540 Rotary Axis CNC Mill (Car Body), Makerbot Replicator 2X 3D Printer (Wheels)
Design Software: Solidworks, SRP Player (Mill)
Time Frame: August 2015- February 2016
Dragster Design is a Technology Student Association (TSA) event where competitors design and build a derby car according to strict specifications. Cars are propelled by a 12 gram CO2 cartridge and race in a head-to-head, double elimination tournament. The specifications (length, weight, height, location of wheels, etc.) change each year to prevent the re-use of designs.
This design was based off of the successful 2015 design. However, due to rule changes, cars had to be longer and could weigh less. So, I made the inside hollow and stretched out the body. The body shape was again optimized for aerodynamics by creating a virtual wind tunnel through Solidworks Flow Simulation.To accompany the longer shape, I designed a 3D printed jig to hold the body in the mill. After milling, the car body was finished with sanding and blue spray paint. The aluminum axles were polished and then the whole car was assembled.
This was my second year competing in the event and I placed First at State (did not compete at Nationals). My dragster was also featured by Roland at their exhibit booth during Nationals.